Thursday, July 28, 2016


Being new-ish to dairy-free, I reached out to friends to get their tried and true recommendations for dairy subs and where to find them. Below is a summary of their answers:

Jewel (St. Charles, IL)
Trader Joe's
Whole Foods
Fruitful Yield

nutritional yeast (sauces, mac & cheese)
Treeline (very expensive though)

Ice Cream
Ben & Jerry's dairy-free

almond milk

Sour Cream
soy premade (found at Jewel in STC)

Cream Cheese
soy premade (found at Jewel in STC)

Fleischmann's unsalted margarine
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter light

Also, some things I was warned against:
soy shredded cheese (apparently tastes like sawdust)

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Dole Whip

I've come across this recipe in the past, but it popped up again on my feed today and in light of my new adventure I decided I wanted to give it a try.

First of all, if you attempt this I highly recommend a food processor. I've tried this in both a large blender (although maybe not high power enough? also I only did 1/4 of the recipe for a single serving), and a small personal sized blender (16 oz). I was not able to get the pineapple fully processed, so those chunks were rather jarring in terms of both texture and flavor.

That being said, I love this! Oh so smooth and creamy. The pineapple is such a subtle flavor, which surprised me given the 4:1. This is so light and refreshing, and reminded me of a sherbet. I'm seriously considering attempting this with other fruits (especially, do I miss lime sherbet). Also, for those of you who don't like or can't have pineapple, I think it would be worth attempting with other fruits. I'm sure you could use any non-dairy milk of your choice, as Gemma even says she's used the light coconut milk so you know fat content isn't make or break.

I'm getting a suspicion that most of what you will be reading about here will be ice cream related...Over time hopefully that will change! Then again, nothing wrong with a dairy-free dessert blog, right?

Update 9/16/16: If you have a stick/hand/immersion blender, I have found that works rather well when making a single serving. If it came with a vessel, pour everything into there, otherwise use a tall/narrow container large enough for your blender to fit into.