Monday, March 27, 2017

Gluten Free and More (Living Without)

Let's talk about magazines and recipe sites. I don't have many dairy-free friends, but between those few as well as the handful of gluten-free/Crohn's, I've got a decent circle of people who are all looking for safe foods. Vegan foods are usually a win for all of us, but I was on the hunt for a good magazine or monthly mailing resource. My one friend subscribes to Gluten Free and More (previously known as Living Without) and told me they offer a lot of recipes that are usually free of other top allergens or offer substitutes. I checked them out, and ended up subscribing for 2 years (they had a great deal going).

I am very happy with this decision. First of all, of the 3 magazines I've received (1 every 2 months), easily half of the recipes are naturally dairy-free, and the remaining recipes have dairy subs. I have yet to see a recipe that did not have a dairy-free option, and most other top allergens are accommodated as well (some more so than others). The other thing I really like is that most of the dairy subs are very easy, like milk and butter alternatives. When it comes to cheese, yogurt, etc some recipes are very helpful with specific suggestions while a handful just say "alternative" which can be disappointing as there are some alternatives that will work better than others, especially when it comes to cooking and baking. A lot of recipes offer a shopping list though, so while a specific alternative that is known to work may not be provided in the recipe itself, you have an idea of possible alternatives to explore. Overall, it has been quite helpful and inspiring.

The other great benefit is that by subscribing you get online access to their entire archive, so you are not only limited to your magazine information. The site is not super easy to navigate for dairy-free, as their focus certainly seems to be gluten-free, but again the recipes all seem to either be dairy-free or easily adapted. I have yet to find a recipe I could not use. Definitely worth a shot, and I would say to check it out. They've got a free mailing list and you can access a good portion of the current magazine without an account. If you are interested in subscribing, you can save some cash by choosing online only. So for a resource whose focus is not dairy-free, they are still very helpful.

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