Monday, March 20, 2017

Naturally Dairy Free Recipe List

Going dairy-free is not exactly easy, especially if you are used to having lots of dairy in your life. I personally love cheese, cream, pretty much anything that isn't straight up milk, and I certainly don't want to give up the flavors and textures that I love. I also live with a big dairy lover, and I get a lot of resistance to trying out the substitutes. Some of it is just stubbornness or being afraid flavors will change too much, some of it is general distaste of what the substitute is or consists of. As I'm sure you have and will continue to read, some substitutes just aren't for me or just aren't for certain applications.

I will also say that trying to redo your favorite recipes with subs just will not live up to your standards, at least not right away. You are looking for that dairy taste and feel, and it will never be the same (close, but not the same). There is definitely some wisdom to the idea of going cold turkey before trying out the subs. This concept is applied to all kinds of life changes including various diets. It is often easier to cut it all out and then when you have that down and under control, you can start adding it back in (or in this case, start using subs). Part of this is that you have gotten used to living without, so you won't be searching for that dairy-heavy feel. The other part is the distance from dairy will make the changes in taste and texture of the subs easier to manage and adjust to.

I have decided to start looking for and creating more recipes that are 100% dairy-free naturally, meaning the recipe just does not call for any dairy or subs. Since I had a hard time tracking down recipes like this, I decided to keep the list on my blog to help some of you out. In the future I may start collection recipes utilizing subs as well, but I will keep them separate. So feel free to heck out my list via the link or using the "My Favorite Recipes" tab above.

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